
Posts Tagged ‘beauty’

8 Popular Beauty Myths You Should Stop Believing

In beauty, hair, makeup, skincare on October 23, 2023 at 12:00 pm

When it comes to things like beauty, everyone has an opinion, a trick, and a solution for every beauty need and desire. Whether it’s information that has been passed down from your grandmother, tips and tricks from your best friend, or your favorite beauty guru, there are many beauty routines and regimens that we have committed to for years that keep us looking our best. Or so it seems. This is because there are many schools of thought related to beauty that may actually be a myth.

Now if you feel that what you are doing on a regular basis is working for you don’t change. However, it’s still good to examine our thought process and approach to many of the things that we accept as fact. Below are 8 very popular beauty concepts that we have accepted through the ages that are actually myths.

You Can Make Pores Smaller/Go Away. I totally hate to be the bearer of bad news but pores don’t get smaller or go away. EVER. Also, it would be nice if skin care and makeup companies would stop lying to those who have enlarged pores with empty promises of their magic pore shrinking lotions and potions. Now, everyone has pores. Everyone. It’s just that some people, usually those with oily, acne prone skin, have larger, more visible pores. Furthermore, pore size is determined genetically. For pores that “look” larger, they can be stretched when clogged with dirt and sebum. This is where appropriate skincare plays a role. Daily cleansing, gentle exfoliation, as well as using a detoxifying mask and things like peel pads can help pores look more refined. As far as makeup is concerned, there are certain primers have blurring effects that can also make pores look more refined. But again, pores don’t get smaller or go away. EVER.

Skin Adapts to Skin Care Products So You Have To Switch To Something New. Skin, which is our largest organ, is ever changing and evolving. What your skin needed 3 months ago may not be what your skin needs today. Think about why you bought a particular item for your skin, maybe to help with a particular concern that you had. Do you have that concern now? Not necessarily because the major skin changes might have already taken place so the results won’t seem as dramatic although the product is working the same way it always has. If you want to switch up your skincare, that’s totally fine but just know you don’t have to switch to a new product because your skin is “used” to your current products.

Wearing Makeup Daily Is Bad For Your Skin. Granted there are some makeup formulations that can irritate your skin, causing inflammation and breakouts. But makeup isn’t inherently bad for your skin. Also, skin doesn’t need to breathe because skin is not made up of tiny lungs. Now clogged pores – that’s another issue. Pores are tiny openings in the skin that release oils and sweat – not oxygen. Be sure to cleanse your face thoroughly on a daily basis and use the proper skincare formulation for your skin type. If you feel like you want to take a break from wearing makeup, that is never a bad thing. Have at it.

You Can Repair Split Ends. This is simply not true. You can use products to help improve their appearance but you will ultimately have to clip your ends and be mindful of things like heat styling, having a hair care routine in place and using the proper products for your hair on a regular basis. Also hair doesn’t grow faster when you cut it. Hair growth comes from the root. Not the ends. Snip Snip.

Oily Skin Doesn’t Need Moisturizer. The oil in one’s skin is not a moisturizer, which is something ALL skin types need. When someone with oily skin does not wear a moisturizer, the skin actually overcompensates for a lack of moisture by over-producing sebum, thus making you more oily and shiny. And even with all of that extra oil, your skin is still dry. It is best to use an oil free or mattifying moisturizer to help with shine as well as moisture.

Dry Skin Causes Wrinkles. Dry skin does not cause wrinkles. Overexposure to UV rays and other elements (aging, poor diet, genetics, smoking/drinking, etc) as well as the breakdown of collagen contribute to wrinkles. Dry skin can accentuate wrinkles but is not the culprit of said wrinkles.

Cellulite Can Go Away. Well not really but sort of – through measures such as surgery. Anyway, although fairly harmless, cellulite can be an annoying occurrence that appears on places such as thighs, belly and breasts. It is more common in women than in men and can become more prevalent in aging, pregnancy as well as weight gain. Even those who are fit or slender may actually have cellulite. Cellulite is caused by fat deposits pushing toward of the surface of the skin. The use of creams, depending on ingredients, can offer a temporary reduction in appearance of cellulite. There are some things you can do to improve the appearance of cellulite such as: hydrate, exercise/eat a healthy well balanced diet and possibly dry brushing. When you stay hydrated, you are helping to flush toxins and keep skin looking healthy. When you are dehydrated, skin can appear more dull and cellulite can appear more visible. Exercising can help build lean muscle and burn fat which can help cellulite appear less visible. Eating a well balanced diet with healthy fats and lean protein can help you maintain your personal healthy weight. Dry brushing is thought to help with lymphatic drainage as well as helps with the appearance of skin.

Black Skin Doesn’t Need Sunscreen. Melanin is wonderful and all but it doesn’t protect against the UV rays that lead to aging (UVA) and burning which can lead to skin cancer (UVB). Also – ALL. SKIN. BURNS. For example, if you put white bread, wheat bread and pumpernickel bread into the oven and leave it in too long, all of the bread will burn. You just won’t see the damage on the pumpernickel as well as you would the white bread. But all the bread is damaged. Same with skin. So please, EVERYONE, wear your sunscreen.

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15 Skincare And Makeup Mistakes To Stop Making Now

In beauty, makeup, skincare on June 27, 2022 at 12:00 pm

From the harshness of unblended highlight and contour to using dirty makeup brushes, chances are you have at some point or are currently making some major beauty faux pas.

Image courtesy of George Milton via Pexels

We all have our go to make up routines which includes our favorite tips, tricks and tools. But it is definitely possible that our go to make up habits could be doing more harm than good to our skin, tools and overall look. That’s ok because below is a list of 15 common beauty blunders that you might not be aware of and the solution to help fix said faux pas.

  1. Using Makeup Wipes To Clean Your Face. I’m not sure when using wipes as the only way to sufficiently cleanse your face became ok but stop it. So you’ve had a long night out and you are too inebriated and too tired to actually cleanse your face – a makeup wipe can help you out until you get yourself together. But please don’t make this a habit – the most a makeup cleansing wipe can do for you is superficially wipe the day off of your face. It will not ever deep clean the surface of your skin let alone get deep down into your pores after a day of wearing sunscreen and makeup and being exposed to the environmental aggressors of dirt, debris and smog. Do your current and your future skin a favor and use a cleansing balm or oil followed by an actual cleanser for your skin type. If you prefer using a makeup wipe, use it a part of your pre-cleanse.
  2. Tugging On The Eye Area To Remove/Apply Eye Makeup And Skincare. We’ve all been there: you stretch/pull at the corner of your your eyes to apply your eye liner, roughly rub your eyes to take off your eye makeup or pull and rub on your under eye area to apply eye cream or concealer. Stop it! The under eye area is the most delicate area of the face. Think of it like this: your face is like construction paper and your under eye area is delicate like tissue paper. The under eye area shows the first signs of aging and rough and tumble pulling and tugging can help accelerate the process. When it comes to removing eye makeup, use a cotton round with a makeup remover. Apply to the eye area and hold for about 10 seconds to loosen any eye makeup and gently swipe away. When it comes to applying eye liner, apply in sections across the lid and be sure to use a formula that glides on smoothly. Don’t pull on the corner of your eyes. When applying under eye concealer and eye cream, use a brush and/or your ring finger and gently press/tap into the skin.
  3. Not Treating The Under Eye Area With Eye Cream/Serum Before Concealer. At this point, eye creams/serums should be a part of your skin care routine. If not, no judgement. Just start now. By prepping with skin care, you will find that your concealer will lay better on your skin. It also prevents your makeup from looking dry and cakey and you won’t have to apply tons to look even and highlighted under the eyes.
  4. Not Using Color Corrector. Have you ever applied under eye concealer or even foundation and found that the shade and tone wasn’t sufficient? As a matter of fact, some areas looked gray? That’s because you most likely need to color correct first. Color correcting helps to neutralize blue, purple and brown undertones in the skin so that your actual complexion product will read more accurately. It all goes back to understanding color theory where opposite colors on the color wheel are not only complementary but those same complementary colors also cancel each other out. For instance, if you are experiencing redness, you would use green to color correct before applying your concealer or foundation. If you have blue tones under your eyes, you would use a corrector in the pink/peach/apricot spectrum, depending on your complexion range, to neutralize those tones before applying concealer or foundation.
  5. Not Cleaning Makeup Brushes Regularly. Have you ever gone so long with not cleaning your brushes that your brushes feel hard and somewhat stiff? When your brushes are dirty they don’t even perform the same and your make up doesn’t look as good as it could. More importantly, not cleaning your brushes is a great way to spread bacteria on the face. Can we say pimples? Anyway, using a brush cleaner like this one or this one not only cleans your brushes but helps to keep the bristles conditioned and is oftentimes anti-bacterial.
  6. Putting On Concealer Before Foundation. Foundation is just that – foundation. A base. It’s the building block for all of the other makeup you put on your face – well aside from good skin care. When you apply concealer first, as you apply the actual foundation, you actually wipe concealer away from the very place you were trying to conceal. Instead, apply foundation first then stipple/bounce concealer on top wherever the discoloration is. You may also find that you won’t need as much concealer when you apply foundation first. When it comes to the under eye, this can be particularly helpful as applying foundation first can help balance and perhaps color correct tones before you apply concealer.
  7. Not Blending Your Harsh Highlight And Contour. Chances are you aren’t on stage but in real life – at work, school or the grocery store. The somewhat extreme highlighting and contouring that we see on our social media feeds works better for stage and maybe television with various lighting conditions but those harsh, unblended lines of demarcation can be quite unappealing in real life. Consider blending more thoroughly for a softer, more complementary look.
  8. Using Too Much Product To Mark Out Highlight And Contour. Or using too much foundation in general. Bottom line – it’s TOO MUCH PRODUCT and takes unnecessary amounts off time and effort to blend. Instead of plastering your face with foundation, highlight and contour shades in intricate designs, try applying your foundation first. Then apply your highlight color (1-2 shades lighter, maybe 3 shades if you know how to blend) in the right undertone then blend. Then go in with your contour color and blend. Apply an illuminator/highlighter if you so choose. Blend that as well. Then take a brush and lightly blend the entire face. This way you will look soft, blended and radiant. Not a colorful ashy mess. *note* Applying your highlight first will actually expose the areas that naturally recede for contour. It is also easier to blend a contour (darker color) into a highlight as opposed to the other way around.
  9. Not Using A Moisturizer Because You Are Oily. Not using at lease an oil free (controls oil production) or mattifying (prevents appearance of oil, makes skin more matte) moisturizer is actually making you more oily. That is your skin overcompensating for the lack of actual moisture in the skin. The oil in the skin is not a moisturizer and the skin becomes more unbalanced when you don’t use a moisturizer to balance and protect your moisture barrier.
  10. Over-Washing Your Face. It is quite tempting to want to wash your face multiple times a day especially when you are oily and/or acne prone. However, just like not using a moisturizer when you are oily can have an adverse affect on your skin, over-washing your face can strip your skin, causing it to be dry, flaky and painfully irritated. You might also find that acne can get worse. When washing your face twice a day, consider using a mild low lather or creamy/oil cleanser like this or this for the morning and a cleanser for deeper cleanse for the evening to wash the day away like this one.
  11. Keeping Expired Makeup. Sure you may love the many items in your make up collection but it is very important to make sure that what you are putting on your face is not expired. Not paying attention to expiration dates can not only cause lack of performance of your favorite items but can also be a breeding ground for skin irritation and possible infection. Learn more about makeup shelf life and expiration dates here.
  12. Over-Filling Your Eyebrows. Good eyebrows are one of the most important features in giving good face. Well groomed brows bring shape and structure to the face. When you have neatly and beautifully shaped brows, you don’t necessarily need too much of anything else to look polished. It is recommended that you seek a professional too groom your brows. It’s one thing to have a natural full brow however filling in the brow too dark and over the natural shape can spell disaster. When filling in your brows, be sure to follow the natural shape of the brow and fill in only the sparse areas.
  13. Not Adjusting Your Foundation As You Age. It’s no secret that your body changes as you get older. This includes changes to your skin. What worked for you in your 20’s (i.e. powder foundation) may not work for you as you get older. Consider using liquid or serum based formulations that address dullness, fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration and dryness.
  14. Putting Makeup On Dry Skin. Not prepping the skin before makeup application. Your makeup reflects back to you what is going with your skin. If your skin is dry, your makeup will look dry and cakey. You will also find that your makeup doesn’t glide and apply very smoothly to your skin. Be sure to prep with a good moisturizer and hydrating primer before applying your foundation.
  15. Putting Too Much Emphasis On Both Eyes And Lips. How you choose to wear your makeup is entirely up to you. However, consider focusing on one feature such as the eyes and let your other features play a supporting role with complementary tones, textures and finishes. Doing so prevents your look from becoming too under or overwhelming. It also brings balance to the features.

Have you made any of the mistakes listed above or do you make mistakes that weren’t even listed above? Leave a comment down below.

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6 Beauty Trends To Keep Your Eye On In 2021

In beauty, how to, makeup, makeup artist tools, skincare on January 8, 2021 at 8:30 am

It’s no secret that 2020 was a year filled with many unexpected twist and turns. Daily life was upended and most people were confined to their homes. If you did leave the house, you had to have a mask on.

If you didn’t already work in an industry where a mask was required (surgeon, auto mechanic, etc.) chances are the mask may have wrecked havoc on your entire beauty routine. From maskne to not needing to apply the usual highlight, contour and favorite lip, some beauty routines became less important while learning to navigate what was quickly becoming the new norm. And, with all of the extra time that many had on their hands, increased beauty experiments and online shopping became a form of entertainment to cope. Increased DIY also became a part of the new norm as many tried to figure out how to maintain their skin, hair and nails since everything was shut down. Endless zoom calls required you to take what you learned from your Instagram feed and YouTube and apply them to yourself.

Now that the new year has begun, it will be interesting to see what is new, what is re-invented what will remain the same as time progresses. Continue reading to discover 6 beauty trends to keep your eye on throughout the upcoming season.

Glowy Skin. Skin that radiates is a goal that everyone has. In times past the quickest way to achieve that enviable glow was with various forms of highlighters and luminizers. This method of topical glow is perfectly fine and will not go away. I do find however that many people desire the health of their skin to be the source of their glow. This can be achieved many different ways, particularly with a regular routine of cleansing, exfoliation, and a healthy lifestyle. To get that added boost, add in a serum that targets radiance and correction specifically and apply your moisturizer after.

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Dew Drops

Laneige Glowy Makeup Serum

OKO Skincare Glow Hydrating Serum

Pixi Skintreats Overnight Glow Serum

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Serum

Foundation Hybrids. Long gone are the days of heavy foundations that clog your pores and assault your skin. Think of foundation hybrids as a relationship between foundation and skincare. These new formulations have a combination of pigments, SPF as well as ingredients to help improve the skin such as antioxidants, kombucha, and peptides. Foundation hybrids allow breathability and flexibility on the skin as well as various levels of coverage when you switch your tool and technique.

Live Tinted Huestick

Urban Decay Hydromaniac Tinted Glow Hydrator

Kosas Tinted Face Oil Foundation

ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40

Colorful eyes. Because of masks, now is the time more than ever to flex your makeup skills and play up your eyes. And what better way to accentuate your eyes than with this season’s trend of colorful eyes with colored mascaras, liners and eyeshadows. The wonderful thing about these bright colorful eye trends is that you can keep it minimal or monochromatic with just a liner or mascara or go all out with creating a glamorous look with a colorful smoky or spotlight eye.

ColourPop BFF Mascara

YSL Beaute Vinyl Couture Mascara

Limecrime Astronomical Mascara

L’oreal Paris Voluminous Original Mascara

NYX Professional Makeup Vivid Brights Eyeliner

Shany Cosmetics Indelible Gel Liner

Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil

Juvia’s Place Warrior 3 Palette

Violet Voss Mini Forget Me Not Palette

Limecrime Venus 3 Eyeshadow Palette

Bushy Full Brows. Eyebrows are extremely important as they are the architecture of your face. If your brows are not on point, why bother with anything else? As of late we have seen a lot more of a relaxed yet well structured brow as opposed to the highly stylized bold Insta brow. Brows styles have a specific microbladed look for natural effect. And fear not – if you naturally have minimal to sparse brows, you can still fake it with many of the brow markers that more brands are creating.

Benefit Microfilling Brow Pen

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Pen

Ardell Stroke A Brow Feathering Pen

MAC Shape + Shade Brow Tint

Patrick Ta Major Brow Shaping Wax

Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Primer

Makeup Revolution Soap Brow

Red/Red Orange Lips. A red lip never goes out of style. Regardless of the season or what other popular lip trends there may be, a red lip – particularly matte – is forever classy and an essential item for your makeup collection. And yes it is normal and ok to several favorite red lips. When wearing a red lip, always remember to exfoliate, prep and line before applying your red lip.

Nars Cosmetics Lipstick (Heatwave)

Dior Rouge Dior Lipstick (999 Matte)

Buxom Cosmetics Full Force Plumping Lipstick (Powerhouse)

Nars Cosmetics Powermatte Lip Pigment (Light My Fire)

Too Faced Melted Matte Liquified Long Wear Lipstick (Lady Balls)

Lashes. Daily application of false lashes will never go out of style. While this may be true, many are seeking other alternatives to this daily process to make their eyes pop. Lash extensions may be an option for some if they are comfortable with going to a salon. For those who don’t mind taking their beauty into their own hands, there are less expensive at home options such as lashes that last for 7-10 days without having to remove and reapply daily.


Moitie Cosmetics

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How To Look Better In Your Next Video Call

In beauty, how to, makeup, skincare on May 18, 2020 at 9:25 pm

Image Courtesy of Cottonbro via Pexels

It’s no secret that video has become a valuable tool in our technologically advanced society, especially during these strange times.  From FaceTime and Skype to the ever increasing popularity and use of Zoom, video is a great way to stay connected.

Now, more than ever, video calls are the go to tool for many of the things we do, from work to virtual happy hours and parties.  With that being said, how we look on video is just as important as the information that is being exchanged.  It usually doesn’t matter when we communicate via phone call, text and email but obviously, in video, people see you.  In most cases, when it comes down to work and even things like virtual dating, looks matter.  Think about it – how would you present yourself to your current or potential boss, client or even a romantic prospect?  You wouldn’t show up in pajamas or a dusty t-shirt or a face mask for your zits.  You, instead, would put your best face forward.  Again, looks matter so it’s important to look your personal best.  Also since many of us are currently stuck inside, that’s all the more reason to put on that lipstick, hair or outfit you’ve been wanting to wear.  So go ahead, you can still slay through that screen with these simple tips/reminders:

Lighting.  When you take a selfie, you usually make sure you show up in the best light.  The same goes for when you are doing a video call.  Natural light is the better option as it most flattering.  The key when using natural light is positioning yourself at the correct angle.  To catch the best light, sit facing the window (or other light source for that matter).  If the sun is particularly bright you can close the blinds a little or put up a white curtain to help filter the light.  On cloudy days you can sit more directly in the light source because your features won’t be blown out.  Whatever the case, be sure to not sit with your back to your light source which will cause your figure to be shadowy.

You can always add a light source if necessary.  Ring lights are very popular and can be found on Amazon (or eBay).  I’ve been using the Make Up Light for several years because I like the ability to customize the fixtures and the fact that that it breaks down quickly, making it easier to carry and can fit mostly in a large tote bag.

You can always use a regular lamp if necessary.  Remember to position it in front of you (behind your computer or other video source).

Sound.  Be sure that your sound is working, without feedback/echo.  This is especially important if you are a presenter or leading the meeting.  Usually the sound on your chosen device is sufficient however if you need something that works better, there are microphone options on Amazon (or eBay).

Setting.  Where you take your virtual meeting (or event) is just as important as how you look.  Choose an area free of excessive distractions.  If possible, set up at a desk or table with ample lighting and a comfortable chair.  Make sure that whatever people see behind you is clean, neat, organized and visually appealing.  Add plants or artwork to add dimension to your space.  If you live with other people or other people will be present in your space, make sure they know when you will be participating in your meeting/event and that they are aware that they should keep noise to a minimum or non-existent.

Position.  Make sure your device (laptop, phone, tablet) is positioned at face/eye level.  and make sure you have good posture.  This will help you to not look distorted and again helps to present you in the best “light” possible.

Wardrobe.  Although, for the most part, you will only be seen from mid chest upwards, it’s still important that whatever people see looks nice.  Choose flattering colors that will complement your skin tone and contrast nicely with your background as well as ensure the right fit for your clothing.  Keep prints to a minimum and be sure that what you are wearing is not too revealing.  A blazer and camisole/t-shirt/blouse is a no fail combination, as well as just a blouse or nice sweater.  It all depends on your work environment, dress code and expectations.  Don’t forget accessories like a simple pair of earrings and/or necklace to complete the look.  However, be sure to avoid noisy jewelry as that can be a distraction.

Makeup.  Whether you know very little about makeup or don’t care for it, the fact  remains that a polished look makes for a good impression.  Again, looks matter.  And not in a “I look like a supermodel” but more of a way in which you don’t look like you just rolled out of bed and was dragged behind a dump truck.  You don’t have to do the most, just follow the basics of giving good face – “flawless” complexion, soft yet well defined brows, lash lift, lip tint/color, sculpting and definition.

  • Flawless Complexion.  Since makeup is never a substitute for good skin, start with a basic skincare routine for your skin type (if you don’t already have a 50 step process in place) – cleanse, tone, moisturize.  Once you have those basics in place,  a primer is your next step.  A primer will keep your makeup up on longer and can help your makeup look better on your skin.  Next apply a lightweight tinted moisturizer or foundation with a beauty blender or foundation brush.  If you need more coverage you can  definitely choose a medium/full coverage foundation.  Dark under eye circles/hyper-pigmentation (acne scars, etc) is a common concern for many so don’t forget a concealer.  Follow up with a setting powder to lock everything in place and to cut down on shine.
  • Brows.  I cannot stress the importance of having good brows.  Brows are the architecture of your face and can make or break your look.  If  you have full brows already, all you may need to do is use a brow gel to tame and shape them.  If you have brows that are more sparse, there are a multitude of products that you can use from brow powder to pencil to fill in/create the perfect brow.
  • Eyes.  You don’t have to do a full smoky eye.  In most cases, eye liner and mascara will suffice.  If you want to give a little more,  you can always choose a color slightly deeper than your complexion in your crease to give a little more depth and structure to the eye by applying/blending with a crease brush.  Finish off with 2-3 coats of your preferred mascara.  For eyeliner, choose an off black or black/brown to define the eye shape and use a smudge brush to soften the lines.  These two color choices will define without looking too dramatic or harsh.
  • Lips.  First off, exfoliation and moisture is so important – whether you choose to wear lip color or not.  Speaking of color, you don’t have to do full on color – a lip tint can suffice if you don’t want to do the most.  But for everyone else, go ahead and  put on that bold bright beautiful color to liven things up.  Mattes are good choice because in many cases, depending on formulation/brand, there is minimal transfer.
  • Sculpting with blush.  Add a little blush to add warmth to the complexion and  to sculpt and define those cheekbones.

Hair.  Brush it.  Comb it.  Shave it.  Cut it.  Do whatever you have to do to make sure it looks nice and presentable.  Styling products are your friend.  Add accessories if you need to like a headband or a nice hair clip.  Chances are you have many of these things in your arsenal.  You just need to use them.


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Winter Skincare Tips

In beauty, skincare on February 24, 2018 at 7:16 am

Protect your skin from the harsh, cold, disrespectful weather with these helpful tips.

There is always something about the freezing cold winter weather that sends emotional and literal chills up one’s spine.  You know – the thought of walking from the house to the train station.  Walking your pet in the dark, cold early hours of the morning.  Warming up your car while scraping off thick, heavy, icy snow.  Add to that the fact that you have to spend the extra time layering on pounds of clothing so you don’t freeze to death and you’ve created a whole new way of living.  With all the adjustments you make to your wardrobe (and life in general) to survive the cold weather, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate the effectiveness of and make adjustments to your winter skincare routine.

We all know the cold winter months are particularly harsh on the skin.  There is less humidity in the air so between the cold air outdoors, dry heat from indoor/car heat and super hot showers which deplete moisture, skin can become more sensitive, dry, and flaky.  Your skin is also more likely to show fine lines and wrinkles when it usually doesn’t.  So, since your regular skincare routine wont suffice…

Consider Your Cleanser

This time of year, you may actually need to use a different cleanser to help break down makeup and dirt.  An oil cleanser such as Amore Pacific Treatment Cleansing Oil Face & Eyes or balm cleanser like Farmacy Green Clean Makeup Meltaway Cleansing Balm tends to be gentle yet highly effective on the skin.  Even more oily skin types can experience dryness and dehydration during the winter months and could benefit from a more gentle cleanser that lathers such as Fresh Soy Face Cleanser or Tatcha The Deep Cleanse.  If you are sensitive or extremely dry, consider a milk cleanser like Caudalie Gentle Cleansing Milk.

For the body, Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Wash which includes soothing emollients and colloidal oatmeal can do wonders for dry itchy skin.  To seal in moisture, when drying off, be sure to pat your skin dry with your towel and follow up with a rich moisturizer like Nivea Essentially Enriched Body Lotion with Almond Oil.

Amp Up Your Moisturizer

Adding oils to your moisturizer and using overnight sleeping masks can be the key to added moisture, keeping skin soft and supple during cold weather months.  While face oils alone may not hydrate, they are great for adding to moisturizers and foundations for an added boost in efficacy and skincare benefits.  The Ordinary 100% Cold Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil and Sunday Riley Juno Hydroactive Cellular Face Oil are great because they help restore the skin’s moisture barrier and give skin radiance and luminosity, both of which tend to fade away during the cold months.  Sleeping masks like Laneige Water Sleeping Mask work overnight to recharge and deeply hydrate the skin.  This is a great time for skincare products because they do the work while your skin is in repair mode.

During this time of year, you may also need to switch your eye cream.  It Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye not only adds moisture to the under eye area but it also brightens and depuffs, helping the under eye area look smooth, making it a great prep for under eye concealer.  Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Eye Cream helps to illuminate the under eye while delivering intense hydration.  If you need a quick boost, apply eye patches like Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench Hyaluronic Cloud Hydra-Gel Eye Patches.  Used in addition to your eye cream, these patches will give additional vitality and boost of hydration to the under eye area.

Lips also suffer tremendously during this time of the year.  From eating and drinking (which can remove lip product you apply), to using products like matte liquid lip stains, lips will get dry and flaky.  Using products that are rich in emollient butters will help to repair and protect the lips.  Bite Beauty Agave Lip Balm restores lips with shea butter and jojoba oil.  If you need a product that does deeper repair, Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask is an overnight treatment that heals with vitamin C and antioxidants, leaving your lips nice and soft in the morning.

Remember not to neglect the skin on the rest of the body and pay particular attention to feet, knees and elbows with a moisturizer that will replenish oils and nutrients to the skin.  Nivea Essentially Enriched Body Lotion with Almond Oil  not only relieves dry, itchy skin but also gives skin a glow.  Hands and cuticles also suffer because of activities like extra hand washing to help prevent winter sickness.  deborah lippman rich girl handcream (SPF 25) and Caudalie Hand and Nail Cream both contain avocado and shea butter to heal and replenish dry, cracked hands and cuticles.


Gently exfoliating 1-2 times a week does wonders for the skin but don’t overdo it.  Over-exfoliation does more harm than good by disrupting the moister barrier, leaving it prone to irritation and even breakouts.  Other than that, by removing dead, flaky skin, all other skin products will absorb and work better.  For face, Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Rescue Mask Seaweed Radiance Facial is a two in one facial, great for all skin types, that smooths and restores radiance.  If you are a Clarisonic lover, although you can use it twice a day, consider using it only in the evening or every other day if you find that your skin feels drier and tighter after you have made other adjustments in your skin care routine.  For the rest of your body, SW Basics Cream Scrub, a moisturizer and gentle scrub in one, will make skin soft and smooth in one step.  And for those who are minimalists when it comes to ingredients, this one is for you as it is made in small batches with only four organic ingredients:  sugar, shea butter, coconut oil and olive oil.

Monitor your heat sources

Yes, you are cold to your core and yes, all you want to do is thaw out but putting your central heating and your bath/shower water on hell will make matters worse.  Home heaters, whether they are space heaters or central heating is dry air and will dehydrate your skin.  When heating your home, have the heat come up intermittently and consider getting a humidifier to add moisture into the air.  When showering or bathing, keep both activities short and the water tepid.

You Are What You Eat

Sounds so cliche but making sure you have balanced eating habits is always a good idea.  Things like added sugars, caffeine and other processed foods can exacerbate dry skin concerns.  Refined sugars lead to inflammation which robs skin of nutrients making it dry, flaky, irritated and can even aggravate acne problems.  You don’t have to vilify and completely stop consuming these foods however moderation is always a good practice.  Also, it goes without saying to increase your water intake.  In addition, make sure your eating plan includes foods that are nutrient dense as well as with fatty acids and have a higher water content.

When changing your skincare routine, remember that consistency is key.  You can always seek advice from a quality beauty professional and if serious concerns/issues arise with your skin, seek a health professional.

What are your favorite winter skincare tips?