
Archive for the ‘fitness’ Category

8 Reasons Why You Don’t Work Out (And How To Overcome Them)

In fitness, Health on February 18, 2019 at 7:48 pm

selective focus photography of woman in white sports brassiere standing near woman sitting on pink yoga mat

Photo by bruce mars on

So you want to start working out to get in shape and be healthier but the thought of working out brings you a type of mental anguish that you would rather avoid. You want to start working out but the thought of having to fit this new lifestyle habit into your already hectic schedule is downright annoying. You might even think that working out is a reality out of reach, that it will take forever to see results, and besides, you don’t even know where to start.  But the writing is on the wall: perhaps you have been feeling sluggish lately, or maybe you picked up a few extra pounds during the holidays and your clothes don’t fit like they used to. Whatever the case, any attempt you’ve made in the past has been met with failure, leading you choose not to do anything and avoid the topic altogether.

Then there are the excuses and rationalizations – all of which are plenty and seem legitimate. Sure, you have heard about the multiple benefits of working out/getting in shape such as slowing the aging process, glowing skin and lower risk of cardiovascular disease and other disorders. It’s also great for better cognitive process/brain function and overall better physicalityThese benefits are great but you’re still on the couch with your excuses and rationalizations and you feel  powerless and unaccomplished.  But it’s ok because you can win when it comes to getting fit.  Below are some of the common reasons people have for not made for not working out and solutions to help you overcome them.

I Don’t Have Time/I’m Too Busy.  You may actually have more time than you think.  Is it that you don’t have time or is it that your health is not a priority?  How much time do you spend watching television?  Talking on the phone?  Shopping online?  Stalking social media?  See – you do have time!  Just like you have a set time for your other activities, set aside some time for fitness. The truth of the matter is that you do not have to spend hours upon hours in the gym.  There are plenty of workouts you can do, at the gym or in the privacy of your own home that are quick and effective.  For instance, you can get a good kettlebell workout done in about 20 minutes.  It’s a great form of resistance cardio that will get your blood pumping and help build and strengthen muscles.  If you only have about 10 minutes, an 8 minute tabata workout will have you feeling (and sweating profusely) like you worked out for 30 minutes. Whatever your time factor is, there is always something you can do.  The bottom line is to get moving, even if you walk around your neighborhood or apartment complex when starting out.  Taking baby steps builds upon taking bigger steps.  Also, if you have a hectic schedule like many people do, consider working out first thing in the morning.  Doing so will wake you up and get your blood flowing which leads to more energy and you will start your day feeling amazing.

People Are Watching Me/Judging Me.  Newsflash: no matter what you do and where you are people will always watch, stare and judge. It’s rude, annoying and can definitely make you feel self-conscious. With that said, even if people are looking at you, they are still most likely more concerned about themselves in a self-conscious kind of way.  If you are working out in a gym or some other fitness studio, get focused on why you are there, put on some cute workout gear and some big headphones, turn up the volume and get in the zone. Bring a workout buddy if you need to. And if working out in public causes you too much anxiety (which is totally legitimate) you can always work out at home.

I Don’t Have Money.  To be honest, it doesn’t take a lot of money to get fit.  If going to the gym is your thing, gym memberships vary in price from $20 and up.  That cost depends on what you are looking for in a gym.  Other options would be at home gym programs such as Daily Burn, The Hollywood Trainer Club, and Beachbody that you can stream. These programs are great for those who want to supplement what they do at the gym, don’t know what or when to do certain exercises or who don’t want to go to the gym at all.  Online gyms are run by certified fitness instructors who provide various types of workouts for all levels and all interests for a low monthly/yearly cost.  There is also great content on YouTube from which you can create a fitness calendar.  If you need lightweight equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, and jump ropes, you can purchase from places such as TJMaxx, Marshall’s and Five Below. As always, check with your health care professional before starting any type of program.

It’s No Fun/It’s Boring.  You have to find what excites you and that sometimes comes from trial and error.  Running may not be your thing but dancing might be.  You might not be coordinated enough to get those dance moves but kickboxing excites you.  Take some different classes and experiment.  With so many types of workouts out there you are bound to find something you like.

It’s hard/I Will Be Sore.  Sounds cliche but with anything worth having you have to work at it.  The hardest part is getting started.  And yes there are workouts that will challenge you physically but that’s a good thing because it will eventually make you stronger, faster, as well as increase stamina and endurance.  In addition, with any workout program you do, it’s important to incorporate warm up and cool down, keep proper form,  take rest and recovery days to help prevent injury, so on and so forth.  Besides, once you get into a fitness routine you enjoy, you may even derive somewhat of a perverse pleasure from the soreness you feel a day or two after a new/grueling workout.

I Don’t Have Enough Room.  Well, unless you are running a marathon in your living room, you don’t need excessive amounts of room. Yes you might have to move a coffee table or a chair but that’s a small price to pay for getting fit in the privacy of your own home.

I’m Tired.  Is it that you are tired or that you don’t have enough energy?  If you are tired, you probably should get more rest.  If lack of energy is your concern, working out can be a great way to increase your energy.

I Will Just Quit/I Never See Results.  Oftentimes, when beginning a workout program (or anything new for that matter), people tend to bite off more than they can chew (no pun intended).  The key is to start small, be consistent and work your way up to longer and more challenging workouts.  You also need to understand what your fitness goals are.  Is it to loose fat, build muscle, or sculpt and tone?  This will also help determine what your workouts and eating plan will look like.  In addition, you must determine what success looks like for you.  And give yourself time.  The results you are looking for don’t come overnight.  Keep going.

Will it always be easy to get up and work out?  Will you always be motivated?  No and no.  But by creating habits, and becoming disciplined, strategic and consistent, the journey to getting fit and staying fit becomes smoother and you become stronger both mentally and physically.  You will also be able to sidestep your emotions when the going gets tough.  You can do it!!!

Be sure to check with your healthcare professional before starting any fitness program.

Do you workout on the regular or have you struggled with starting/maintain a fitness program?  Leave your comments below.

9 Tips To Keep You Fit And Healthy Through Holiday

In fitness, Health, lifestyle on November 28, 2018 at 12:00 pm

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Get back on track and don’t wait until the new year to stay healthy.

As we continue celebrating the holiday season with family, friends and lots of shopping, there is another activity that we look forward to participating in during this season:  eating delicious food.  And lots of it.  From family get togethers to work related festivities, there are plenty of opportunities to indulge in decadent, high calorie foods more than usual during this time of the year.

Many people enter this festive season with plans to consume and enjoy any food not nailed down.  For others, it can be met with trepidation – particularly if health and fitness is top of mind or if you have particular dietary goals and requirements that you need to stick to.  With that said, there is no need to approach the holidays with fear or apprehension when you have a plan.  Continue reading for 9 tips to help you stay fit and healthy through holiday.

Plan Ahead.  Meal prep ahead of time and/or keep healthy snacks with you to munch on when you feel hungry.  This is especially true in the workplace where there will most likely be all kinds of treats like cookies, cakes and candies.   While you don’t have to avoid these kinds of foods all together, be sure to include snacks that are nutrient dense to keep you fuller throughout the day.

Eat A Good Breakfast.  Eating a good breakfast will set the tone for the day by fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to power through the first part of your day.  In addition, a nutrient dense breakfast keeps you fuller longer and when you partner that with your meal prep, you have a better chance of staying focused and not fall into the temptation of over-indulging and binge eating.

Drink A Lot Of Water/Stay Hydrated.  We all know about the multitude of benefits to staying hydrated such as glowing skin, better regularity, and increased energy.  In addition, drinking a glass of water before a meal to help you feel fuller, thus reducing the desire to overeat.  Keep this in mind when you head out for holiday festivities.

Work Out In The Morning.  Getting a good workout in the morning can not only make you feel energized but it can also help set tone for therest of the day for better food behaviors throughout the day.  You also won’t have to worry about working out when you get home later in the day.

Eat Before You Party.  Eating something lightweight before you arrive at a party can help you focus and not over-indulge as you approach the table of holiday cheer.

Sign Up For Paid Classes With Expiration Dates.  Since you don’t like waisting money and you really do want to stay on track with your fitness routine, choose some classes that will expire soon so that you will make it a point to get to class.

You Can Always Work Out.  If working out in public is not your thing, take 10-15 minutes to get moving and create that mind/body connection.  You can do some body weight, plyometrics, or kettle bell swings.  Whatever you choose, remember that some time is better than no time.  For the more ambitious, sign up for a marathon or obstacle course with a few loved ones to get your fitness and bonding on at the same time.

Indulge For The Day Not The Season.  Take some of the pressure off by allowing yourself to go all out and eat what you want on certain days like Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve and stick to your regular eating plan all of the other days in between.

Get Enough Rest.  Getting enough rest can ensure you restore your mind, body and spirit during this hectic time of the year. It can also help guard against getting sick during these colder months of the year.

This list includes just some of the things you can do to stay fit and healthy during the holiday season.  Get creative and come of with ideas that you and your loved ones can incorporate into this season and your lifestyle in general.  Above all else, remember to be thankful, have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously.